
Create an agent

Setup and test an agent

When you first enter the Agents page, you should see Olivya 1, your first agent. You can rename your agent by clicking on the title above the card.

You can quicly add, delete or duplicate an agent, or check the call log associated with this agent.

General settings:

  1. First choose the transcriber language - this is the language your users speak

  2. Choose the synthesiser’s lanuage - this is the language the bot will speak

  3. Choose the synthesiser’s voice. Here’s a guide to explore our voice library

    Voice Library

    Explore our voice libary and choose your agent's voice

  4. Write your first message - this is the message your bot will say immeditately after the call starts

  5. Write the prompt. This is the most important part - you can design your own prompt or start with one our presets. Please refer to the prompting guide for more information

  6. Choose the temperature - this represent how creative the bot will be

  7. Choose the max tokens - this is the maximum tokens your bot will say at each interaction. Keep it at 300 for a safe number. Having a small amount of tokens can cause the bot to stop at the middle of its sentences

Voice settings:

Here, you can choose the emotions and speed of your bot. You can choose to omit emotions, or include them. You can choose 5 different levels of emotions:

  1. Lowest

  2. Low

  3. Normal

  4. High

  5. Highest


  1. Choose your Summary Prompt. Modify this if you need a custom summary. You can say something like:

    You are an expert note-taker. You will be given a transcript of call. Summarize only what the customer said.

  2. Customise your Success Evaluation: Here, you can determine how you want to rate your calls: Is the success the likelihood of a user buying your insurance or is it how likely your customer will call back

  3. Choose your scale: Do you want to rate the call from 0 to 10, or do you prefer a Pass/Fail metric

  4. Choose your Extraction Prompt: It is unlikely that you would need to change this prompt, but if you want to experiment different prompts, this is the field that you need to change.

  5. Choose the variables you need to extract: Click add row, and choose whether you want to extract a plain text (string), a number, a list (array), an object or a boolean (True/False)